Monday, June 4, 2007


74-year-old Los Angeles Lakers owner Jerry Buss was arrested for a D.U.I while driving the wrong way on a street in Carlsbad with a 23-year-old swimsuit model.

Gosh, I wonder why he wasn't watching the road?

- Alex Kaseberg

Condi Critic

Condi Rice trained for twenty years to become a concert pianist, according to a new biography. When she was told she didn't have the talent she vowed never to make a long-term plan again.

Somewhere there's a music critic responsible for the Iraq war.

- Argus Hamilton

Creed Freed

Former Creed lead singer Scott Stapp was released from jail.

Raising fears that he might start recording again.

- Andy Borowitz

Jurassic Ark

The Creation Museum opened this week with an exhibit of dinosaurs on Noah's Ark to support the claim that creationist theory is backed by modern scientific evidence.

Some skeptics questioned the scientific evidence supporting the exhibit and are not entirely convinced that Noah purchased Ark insurance from the Geico caveman.

Fighting for Freedom?

President Bush delivered his weekly radio address to the country Saturday from Camp David. He said the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan aim to bring freedom to those nations.

To smuggle it in undetected we've craftily disguised it as chaos and gunfire.

- Argus Hamilton


Lindsay Lohan has checked into rehab again, after her accident this weekend while driving under the influence.

This is Lohan's second trip to rehab this year. One more and the next one is free. 

Honor Heroes

Monday is Memorial Day, when we honor the Military heroes.

We honor the Military heroes by having a flat-screen blowout at Circuit City.

- David Letterman